Izdelki za deli koles 24 (2)

Transportni vozički 600 x 400 x 180 mm - Z kolesi... - EURO-NORM Dodatki

Transportni vozički 600 x 400 x 180 mm - Z kolesi... - EURO-NORM Dodatki

bekuplast offers a variety of Euro-Norm boxes for different purposes. Our comprehensive portfolio of containers is complemented by a wide range of accessories. Whether it's a label, an anti-theft lock, corner attachments to raise a container, or an adapter ring that can double the volume of a container in an instant, sometimes it's just a small detail that's crucial and makes a plastic container the perfect packaging solution. Solutions for the Catering Industry – Compartment Inserts for Glassware Boxes Whether you need to store glassware for champagne, water, beer, cocktails, or wine, the perforated Euro-Norm containers from bekuplast when combined with the right accessories are perfect for almost any type of glassware. Take a perforated Euro-Norm container, for example, one of bekuplast's basicline series or a bread box, add a compartment insert in the bottom, and cap with one on top in the grip handle opening of the container. The inserts are available in different compartment... Outer dimensions:600 x 400 x 180 mm Inner dimensions:565 x 365 x 12 mm Weight:3515 g Stock Item in Colour(s):red 308 PU:80 Material:ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
Dvigalni in nalagalni voziček - na voljo v različnih izvedbah in barvah

Dvigalni in nalagalni voziček - na voljo v različnih izvedbah in barvah

Kutterwagen mit Rollen werden in Fleischereien und vielen anderen nahrungsmittelverarbeitenden Betrieben eingesetzt, um die entsprechenden Lebensmittel bequem von einer Arbeitsstation zur nächsten zu transportieren. Bei uns können Sie stabile Rollcontainer aus strapazierfähigem Kunststoff ordern, die bestmöglich auf die Bedürfnisse der Nahrungsmittelindustrie abgestimmt sind.